
Archive for July, 2011|Monthly archive page

Blow it out your tubenburbles!

In Uncategorized on July 4, 2011 at 9:11 pm

This post is purely based on the fact that I think people care about my opinions. Which is totally true, of course.

So, let’s make this clean and simple – here’s a list of my favorite TV shows of all time (in no particular order):


Golden Girls  (where the title of this post came from)

Grey’s Anatomy

Power Rangers (only until they went into space)

Sailor Moon

Weeds (no, I don’t smoke weed)

Desperate Housewives


So Weird

Jeopardy! (yes, it counts)

Skins (UK)


My criteria for picking “favorite” shows:

1.I thought of it off the top of my head.

2. I actually care about the characters.

3. If there was a marathon on TV, would I watch the whole thing?